Ever wondered whether you need a new LLC for each new investment property? This video will give you the basic points for discussion.
Read MoreTrademarks - What is required for a specimen to be accepted?
You want to protect your brand? You are considering filing for a trademark? You heard the word “Specimen” and need to know what it means? This is the right blog for you.
Read MoreTrademarks - Likelihood of Confusion & the DuPont Factors
Ever wondered what the likelihood of confusion test is for Trademarks? This blog is here to help!
Read MoreWhat to do when a loved on passes away
Have you recently experienced the death of a loved one? This blog is designed to give you some tips on what you can be doing to wrap up the affairs of your deceased loved one.
Read MoreLandlord/Tenant & Natural Disasters
Are you a Landlord? Are you a Tenant? Do you know what will happen in the event a natural disaster impacts the place you're renting? Read on for more information on what to do AHEAD of the storm.
Read MoreServing on a 501(c)3 Board of Directors
Ever thought about serving on a Non-Profit organizations Board of Directors? Have questions? This blog is here to help you understand the risks you may or may not be taking when you accept the position.
Read MoreIntellectual Property: The Basics
Which type of Intellectual Property is right for you? Read this blog to get an overview of the different categories of Intellectual Property and what they protect.
Read MoreChanging jobs with a Non-Compete
Have you ever wanted to change jobs, but felt trapped by a non-compete agreement you signed years ago? If so, this post gives you some practical advice for addressing the situation head on.
Read MoreNew Years Resolutions for Business
Do you own a business? Now that you've made your new years resolutions, take some time to ensure your business is ready for the new year!
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving!
From us to you
From the entire team at St. Augustine Law Group, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! If you find yourself traveling this holiday season, please remember to drink responsibly and always have a Designated Driver.
Table Conversation
Usually around this time of year, we all start thinking about what NEXT year has in store. Do you or a family member want to start a business? Is it time to transition the family business from one generation to the next? Do you want to have children (or more children) this coming year? Maybe you are buying your first home, or will be getting married/engaged.
One thing that no one ever talks about is their attorney. We are OK with that. ;) We just ask that you keep us in mind for all of your life changes. Serving our clients is our #1 priority, and we hope to serve you well!